Solidarity, the law and how history preserves the memory of the 1984-85 miners’ strike

Two panel discussions hosted by the Marx Memorial Library and Workers’ School on the legacy of the 1984-85 miners’ strike are now available as podcasts on the Library’s Spotify channel

The Miners’ Strike 40 Years On: State Repression, Solidarity and Civil Defence explores the role of the law, the state and communities in the 1984-85 miners’ strike with Lord John Hendy KC on the role of the law and the state, Heather Wood on Women Against Pit Closures and Ann Field in the chair

The Miners’ Strike 40 Years On: Mining the Archive looks at why and how archivists and historians preserve the heritage of the miners’ strike for the labour movement. Taking part are Liz Wood, project archivist at the Modern Records Centre, Keith Gildart, professor of labour and social history and ex-miner, and Matt Dunne, archivist and volunteer co-ordinator at the Marx Memorial Library.

Above: Keith Gildart, Liz Wood and Matt Dunne. Photo: Meirian Jump.